The RISRS project brought together diverse stakeholders in the academic publishing ecosystem to interact, react, and reflect in real-time on the problems created by the continued citation of retracted research and, more importantly, on possible solutions. Online attendees included researchers, journal editors, research integrity officers, librarians, science writers, and other members of the academic publishing ecosystem. Enhanced collaboration among this diverse groups addressed the challenges faced and developed final recommendations and a series of research-informed outcomes (scientific workshops, policies, and industry tools) designed to improve the scientific publishing industry’s ability to manage the status of retracted scientific papers and reduce the citation and reuse of retracted publications in scientific publishing.
Project Team (2020-2022)
Dr. Jodi Schneider (PI), Assistant (now Associate) Professor, School of Information Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign.
Dr. Nathan Woods contributed to all stages of the literature review and citation analysis, assists the PI in conducting interviews, and leads the qualitative analysis of all materials.
Project Manager, M.T. Campbell provided logistical and administrative support, and manages communication with stakeholders via email and the project website.
Dr. Yuanxi Fu contributed to the literature review.